National Savings Department offers a variety of deposit schemes for the public. The Mahila Pradhan Khestriya Bachat Yojna (MPKBY) agency system was introduced by the Government w.e.f. 01.04. 1972 with the objectives:- To educate housewives in family budgeting. However the agents should prepare detailed collection reports on a monthly basis. To facilitate the Accounting works Panchayath Help Desk Designed a tool NSS MPKBY Claim Form Manager. It is a free software. Anybody can download it from the given link.
To Download
NSS MPKBY Claim Form Manager 2024
- See Also
Tools for National Savings Scheme
National Savings Department offers a variety of deposit schemes for the public. The Mahila Pradhan Khestriya Bachat Yojna (MPKBY) agency system was introduced by the Government w.e.f. 01.04. 1972 with the objectives:- To educate housewives in family budgeting. However the agents should prepare detailed collection reports on a monthly basis. To facilitate the Accounting works Panchayath Help Desk Designed a tool NSS MPKBY Claim Form Manager. It is a free software. Anybody can download it from the given link.
It is an easy tool for RD Agents of National Savings Scheme.